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Try these Music related titles or any other title of your choice:
- 19th Century Music
- American Music
- The American Music Teacher
- The American Organist
- American Record Guide
- Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
- The Choral Journal
- The Chorister
- Classical Singer
- Clavier Companion
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- Contemporary Music Review
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- Ethnomusicology
- The Hymn
- The Instrumentalist
- Journal of Band Research
- Journal of Music Theory
- Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy
- Journal of Musicological Research
- Journal of Research in Music Education
- Journal of Singing
- Journal of the American Musicological Society
- Journal of the Society for American Music
- Medical Problems of Performing Artists
- Music & Letters
- Music Cataloging Bulletin
- Music Education Research
- Music Educators Journal
- Musical Quarterly
- Music Theory Online
- Notes
- Opera News
- Pan Pipes
- Perspectives of New Music
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- Popular Music and Society
- Religion and the Arts
- Reformed Worship
- Technologies for Worship
- Tempo
- University of Toronto Quarterly
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