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- Action in Teacher Education
- American Educational Research Journal
- American Journal of Education
- American Music Teacher
- American Teacher
- Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books
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- Christian Education Journal
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Diverse: Issues in Higher Education
- Educational Forum
- Elementary School Journal
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal of Creative Behavior
- Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
- Journal of Educational Psychology
- Journal of Educational Research
- Journal of Teacher Education
- Kappa Delta Pi Record
- Literacy Today
- Mathematics Teacher
- National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE) Journals
- New England Journal of Higher Education
- Phi Delta Kappan
- Reading Teacher
- Reading Today
- Review of Educational Research
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- Science Teacher
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- Teaching Children Mathematics
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