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ENGL 3303: Children's and Young Adult Literature


Academy of American Poets: Resource for poets.

American Association of School Librarians (AASL): Division of the American Library Association dedicated to school librarianship.

American Comparative Literature Association: The principal learned society in the United States for scholars whose work involves several literatures and cultures as well as the premises of cross-cultural literary study itself. In its largest sense, comparative literature promotes the study of intercultural relations that cross national boundaries, multicultural relations within a particular society, and the interactions between literature and other forms of human activity, including the arts, the sciences, philosophy, and cultural artifacts of all kinds.

Association of Library Services for Children (ALSC): A division of the American Library Association dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of libraries that serve children.

Center for the Book in the Library of Congress: Highlights literary heritage and calls attention to the importance of books, reading, literacy, and libraries.

Children's Book Council (CBC): National nonprofit trade association of children's book publishers.

Children's Literature Assembly: An organization dedicated to bringing children's literature and advocates of children's literature together.

Children's Literature Association: A non-profit association of scholars, critics, professors, students, librarians, teachers and institutions dedicated to the academic study of literature for children. For our members, children’s literature includes books, films, and other media created for, or adopted by, children and young adults around the world, past, present, and future.

International Literacy Association (formerly International Reading Association): A global advocacy and membership organization that transforms lives through literacy across 75 countries by promoting reading and quality literacy instruction and research worldwide.

Modern Language Association: Modern Language Association (MLA) promotes the study and teaching of language and literature.

National Council of Teachers of English: The National Council of Teachers of English is devoted to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.

Picture Book Artists Association: Independent association of professional children's book illustrators from around the world.

Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA): A division of the American Library Association whose mission is to advocate, promote and strengthen library service to teens, ages 12-18.

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