Extensive digital collection of authoritative encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, and other reference works. Search the entire database or browse titles by subject. (Infobase)
A broad variety of data on today’s most pressing social issues. For each topic, this database explores issues from multiple perspectives through pro/con viewpoint essays, topic overviews, articles, multimedia, statistics, and much more. (Gale)
Background and analysis on leading issues, providing pros and cons on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global topics. (ProQuest)
Overviews and analyses of core legal materials, including the Constitution, the U.S. Code, Supreme Court decisions, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Bankruptcy Procedure, and Criminal Procedure.
A multimedia archive of the U.S. Supreme Court, including audio recordings of oral arguments and biographical information of both incumbent and historical justices of the Court and advocates who have argued before the court.